Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day--Remembering and Honoring

Monday, 29-May-2017 - Veghel -  It's 2200 and dark now.  I forgot to fly the Flag today (this photo was taken last year).  It is Memorial Day 2017.  I put it on my calendar.  I talked about it with Marij last night, but I still forgot.  It's not a holiday here.  There's no mention of it in the local news.  My thoughts and feelings for my country are unchanged since last year at this time.  "It's Memorial Day in the United States and for Americans all around the world--we remember and honor all Americans who died while in military service to their country.  We thank all those who have served, and all those still serving...On Memorial Day, I can only feel pride to have served my country to help keep it, and the countries of its allies, free and peaceful..."

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