Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July Babysitting

Thursday, 4-Jul-2024 - Veghel - I couldn't figure out how to organize our 4th of July barbecue for this year, so it was 4th of July babysitting instead. It was good.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

Monday, 27-May-2024 - Veghel - I raised the flag late today--I forgot it's Memorial Day. In the United States, and all around the world--Americans remember and honor all Americans who died while in military service to their country, our country. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Liberation Day

Sunday, 5-May-2024 - Veghel - Flying the flag at full mast, the Netherlands celebrates the 
liberation of of the Netherlands from Nazi German ccupation during World War II.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Remembrance Day

Saturday, 4- May-2024 - Veghel - It's Remembrance Day in the Netherlands. At 8pm, the entire country is silent for two minutes.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

My DIY Photo Copy Stand

Sunday, 28-April-2024 - Veghel - This is my homemade copy stand, made using a simple idea and high-quality components for mounting my Olympus TG-4. This is my alternative to using a scanner to digitize our family photos. 

I was inspired by photographers Peter Krogh and Alexander Matragos. I have another setup for digitizing 35mm film inspired by photographer Peter Forsgård. Thanks to Wim van Schaijk for finding and sawing the plywood for this project. 

video (35 sec)

photos (40)

materials used

Saturday, April 27, 2024

King's Day

Saturday, 27- April-2024 - Veghel - It's King's Day today.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Thanksgiving Conversations

Friday, 1- December-2023 - Veghel - during the past few days I was able to talk to my brothers Clyde, Jared, and Wayne (photo by Nick published with permission), as well as my sister Jane. My other brother Virgil passed away 12 years ago; he lives on in my memory. I also talked with Piet van den Tillaart (1948) when I dug out this year's Christmas tree. The golden rule, finding good in others, and Santa Claus speaking Dutch in the Miracle on 34th Street (1947) came up in these conversations. Well, I think there's a striking resemblance, and that there's a miracle on Washington Avenue in Saginaw, Michigan going on.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Forging a Knife

Friday, 20-October-2023 - Veghel - Last night, I made some repairs to my best pair of work jeans.  I was getting ready for an early birthday present from Marij: a forging a knife workshop from Phoenix Cultuur at the Noordkade in Veghel. It was cool and raining outside--perfect weather for working in a blacksmith shop. Niek Eikelenboom was our instructor. He was so energetic and passionate for this ancient trade. This was something I wanted to do for a long . I felt so much fulfillment and pride as I was working (photo Lucas van Engelen). In the washroom, I saw a familiar painting of the young and talented blacksmith, Jouke Ruigrok.
Here is his story. At the end of day, all five of us, Bert, Erik, John, Lucas, and me, had each made a great knife. (pics 158)

Friday, August 25, 2023

Zeveneiken Betuwe Express Boottocht

Vrijdag, 25-aug-2023 - Veghel/Arnhem - Onweer en veel regen was voorspeld. Dat hielden we in de gaten. Vandaag was Fred onze zeer vriendelijke Betuwe Express chauffeur en gids. Onderweg kwamen we van alles te weten. We gingen rechtstreeks naar Arnhem waar onze boot Germania klaar lag. De hele dag plezier. Het was alleen maar zitten, rond kijken, veel eten, kletsen, en lol hebben. Alles was prima verzorgd. Voor 52 Zeveneiken leden was het een dag om niet te vergeten (deze foto door Fred genomen). foto's (147)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Dag 3--Rotterdam Skateweekend

 Zondag, 4-juni-2023 - Ottoland/Rotterdam/Thuis - Onze laatste dag bracht ons in hartje Rotterdam naar het Hotel New York (foto). Er was zo veel te zien en horen. Ik wou het allemaal opzuigen. We moesten ook voor het verkeer opletten--druk, druk, druk. Gelukkig waren er meer mensen met een camera op zak om het allemaal vast te leggen. Heel spannend (eng) vond ik de roltrap naar de tunnels voor fietsers en voetgangers onder de Maas. Ik snapte niet hoe andere mensen zo ontspannen konden blijven. 11 skaters, zes fietsers, en één solex rijder waren goed voor 35 km. Een weekend om niet te vergeten! pics (209)

foto's annet (36)

gps-tracked route