Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nurse Dale

Tuesday, 22-January-2013 - Veghel - Taking care of Rosan. She fractured her right tibia Sunday night--will undergo surgery soon.  In the meantime, she's camping in the living room with cast elevated to keep swelling down.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Disappointing Ice at Aa-broeken

Thursday, 17-Thursday-2013 -Veghel - I measured 4.5 cm before loosing my balance and stepping through the ice.  Most of the snow had melted and froze to form a rough and porous layer on top of the existing ice.  Even though the ice was slightly thicker than two days ago, it is weaker. I found this article on ice safety and how to read icepics (38)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Aa-broeken Ice--Too Thin for Skating

Monday, 14-January-2013 - Veghel - I measured the ice at the Aa-broeken this morning:  3cm--too thin for ice skating.  I'll check again tomorrow.  pics (41)